Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Travel Insurance and Why You Need to Consider It

Travel Insurance 
Questions and Answers

No one likes to spend more money when travelling but here are some good reasons 
why you should always have travel insurance....​

Q: Why do I need travel insurance? If I get sick when I'm travelling, won't our government health plan pay for my medical expenses?

A: Provincial health insurance plans provide only limited coverage for medical treatment and hospital costs outside of Canada. If you are injured or become ill while out of the country, the government plans pay only a portion of your medical bills. You might have to pay substantial medical bills out of your own pocket that could amount to thousands of dollars. That is why it`s highly recommended that you purchase travel insurance.

Q: Will travel insurance pay my expenses if I am away on a trip and am called home by an emergency?
A: Some travel insurance products protect you for these situations. If you purchase "Cancellation and Interruption" insurance, it will help pay your expenses to return home. There are a number of circumstances that qualify as an emergency (for example the death or serious illness of a family member). The cost of cancelling a trip prior to departure can be very expensive, as most trips are non-refundable, especially if you have to cancel just before leaving on your trip. Having to return early from a trip can also be very expensive. Either way, Cancellation & Interruption is very important to protect the financial investment you make in a trip.

Q: I'm only going to the United States for a few days. Do I really need travel insurance?
A: Yes, you do need travel insurance to protect you against the unexpected, even if you are going to the United States for a few days. An illness or accident can happen at any time, whether you're on the road for a few days, or a few months. And remember the cost of health care is very expensive in the United States and very little of this cost would be covered by your government health insurance plan. For a short trip, the cost of travel insurance is minimal, and it gives you peace of mind.

Q: I am over age 65 and I have a few health problems. Is it still possible for me to purchase travel insurance?
A: Unless your health problems are severe, you should be able to purchase travel insurance. You may pay a slightly higher premium for travel insurance, depending on your age and health problems. Your premiums and coverage will be determined according to your answers to medical questions. You may not be covered for pre-existing health conditions you have prior to your departure on your trip.

Q: When should I purchase my travel insurance?
A: You must purchase your Cancellation & Interruption travel insurance when you book your trip. You can purchase any other coverage before you leave on your trip. Remember to purchase insurance for your entire trip, which includes the day you leave and the day you return.

Q: My child is travelling with me. Do I need to buy separate coverage for her?
A: If your child is under two years old and you are purchasing any package other than the Non-Medical Package, your child receives emergency medical coverage at no extra cost. If your child is aged two or older, you'll need to purchase emergency medical coverage for your child. Also, if you have purchased a ticket for your child, keep in mind that you may need to buy extra coverage to protect you in the event of cancellation or interruption of your trip. You can purchase emergency medical family coverage. This means your children are insured when they travel with you, or join you during your trip. Your natural and adopted children and stepchildren can all be included in family coverage.

Q: Do I really need to read my travel insurance policy?
A: As with any insurance, some of those terms may limit the benefits payable to you, so it's in your best interest to be familiar with the policy. Also, please remember to take the policy with you on your trip so you can refer to it if necessary.

Q: Why do I need medical travel insurance when I travel abroad?
A:Health insurance plans provided by the governments of the Canadian provinces and territories pay only a fraction of the emergency medical expenses that its residents incur while they are travelling abroad. Travel insurance will protect you in case of a medical emergency, so you'll be able to travel with peace of mind.

Q: Do I need medical travel insurance when I travel within Canada?
A:Yes. There are several reasons why it's important to get medical travel insurance when you're travelling within Canada. One reason is that unfortunately, accidents can happen anywhere. Another is that Government health plans do have limits on the reimbursement of the emergency medical expenses incurred while you are in another province. For example, the ambulance, emergency dental treatment and prescription drugs might not be covered by some government health insurance plans.

Q: Why would I need Cancellation & Interruption insurance?
A:Emergencies happen when you least expect it. You could become sick, lose your job or a family member could have a medical emergency. Cancellation and Interruption insurance covers you for those circumstances and protects the financial investment you've made in your trip. It also protects you if you need to go back home because of an emergency such as a family member becoming seriously ill at home, while you are away.

Kelley Brown (aka Lady Vacay)
The Travel Agent Next Door
Contact me at 519.374.4359
or 416.367.8263 ext 2712